Feature Timber for Perth
American White Oak
As part of our monthly posts about feature timber for Perth, we have focused on timbers grown around the Perth area. Timbers such as Jarrah, Marri and Blackbutt are all sourced around Perth. This month’s timber is from across the ocean. American White Oak, as the name suggests, is not sourced around the Perth area but rather from America. So why would you choose a timber that is not locally sourced? Read on to find out why American White Oak is popular, it’s characteristics and why we have chosen it as a feature timber for Perth.
Characteristics of American White Oak
- Moderate hardness rating of 6kn (Janka rating)
- Colours of pale yellow to a light brown
- Consistent colouring
- Pronounced grain pattern
- Good for staining
- Grown mostly on East coast of America
- The “white” in the timber’s name refers to the whitish/grey bark of the tree.
Why is it popular? Why choose it as a feature timber for Perth?
As is evident from the picture above, this light floorboard can be an exquisite addition to your home. The American White Oak staircase above, was simply finished with a high gloss coat. You can see the gorgeous light brown colour and grain throughout the wood. The pronounced grain is highly sought after and is why this floorboard is so popular.
American white oak also accepts stain well. Consequently, a multitude of colours can be achieved. This further explains it’s popularity. It is an eye catching and versatile floorboard that can be modified to best suit your living areas. Perth renovators and builders, love floorboards that are light and interesting. The extra attraction for American white oak is that it can also be transformed when another look is desired.
For more information about this gorgeous wood or if you have any other questions about timber floors for your Perth home, don’t hesitate to contact Mark on 0406 427 477.