Marri Timber Perth
Marri Timber is a popular Timber around Perth. We work with this Timber regularly. We know how to repair it, sand it and finish it to perfection. However, at a school excursion for our eldest, last week we learnt more about this amazing natural substance. A talk at Kings Park Rio Tinto Nature Park was about the medicinal purposes of the Marri Tree! The Aboriginal people have been using the tree for 10,000s of years and it has shone a different light on the Timber we use everyday.
Medicinal Features of Marri Timber Perth
The main focus of the talk was about the Marri Timber’s sap. It has antiseptic qualities that can be used to dress wounds. Traditionally, the wound would be cleaned and then the so of the Marri tree would be applied, just as we would Betadine today. Then the Aboriginal people would use paper bark to cover the wound and stripped reeds to hold it into place. Fascinating!
Our very knowledgable presenter than talked about other ways the Marri Tree sap could be used. As well as it’s antiseptic qualities, the sap can also cause an area to feel numb. Consequently, it was mixed with water and used as a mouthwash to help sore teeth. You could even swallow some to traditionally help with sore tummies, although apparently it tastes aweful!
It is amazing how after 20 years working with Marri Timber there is still something new to learn. Timber is such an amazing natural substance. It creates beautiful artwork, statement Timber Floors and can even health remedies. We love working with this gorgeous natural product. Being a Western Australian Timber, Marri Timber Floors hold a special place for us.
If you would like this amazing Timber in your home and want an obligation free consultation, make sure you ring Mark on 0406 427 477.